Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting
Good Evening Bitches,
So after pounding my head off my Biology book for the past few hours I decided that bloggin' it up right now would be a swell idea, so here I am.
There isn’t much to talk about, however; I figured I would enlighten you all on a subject I have been pondering at work today. OK, here goes. I have this really good friend at work that goes by the name of Dawn, and she's getting married VERY soon, I think within' the next two weeks. She just had her bachelorette party this past weekend, and all the nurses at work were gettin' geared up for it, ESPECIALLY since I told them that at the end of the night, I’d be popping out of an over sized cake. Boy, oh boy I can only imagine the look of disappointment on all those beautiful faces when somebody else popped outta' that cake, other than me. Anyway, back to the point. Dawn's gettin' married. WELL, here's where I begin to feel bad and start my deep thoughts. Long story short, her soon to be husband was having his bachelor party on tha' Sauth Side 'n 'at when him and his best man exchanged a few choice words I suppose, and the best man CLOCKS the groom in the face. Dude hit Dawn's soon to be husband SO hard, it broke his fuckin' jaw. First of all, is that funny? And second of all, holy shit I can't stop laughing my ass off. It really isn't that funny I guess, simply because he had to get emergency surgery that night, and now has his jaw wired shut. I really feel for Dawn simply because this puts a damper on there wedding, but I still see some humor in it. This situation really makes you think, what the hell could have possibly happened to trigger this sort of thing?
Well here are a few visual aides to help you get the juices flowing...please feel free to leave comments on what you think could have happened, and I'll eventually post the real result of what happened after I talk to Dawn.

This is the only logical situation imaginable to me that would drive this best man to act like Bobby Brown, and make the groom to be his Whitney Houston. I’m sure there are a million more scenarios, but I’ll leave that up to you guys to post.
Currently Listening to: Donnie Iris - Ah Leah
Pablo Picasso